Saturday, November 15, 2008

Minutes 11-8-08

Janet Carpenter mentioned that our guild should be a chapter of the Utah Valley Quilting Guild. That will gives us free advertizing in the “Beeline” twice a year. It is free to apply. We need to have a president (of which we have two!), at least two other members and have a chapter name. The names we voted on were: Longarm Lassies, Longarm Ladies, Valley Gals, Longarm Q Ts. Longarm Q Ts became the winner. So our Chapter title is Longarm Q Ts. It was also suggested that we should have a web site. Natalia Bonner said that she would begin a blog site for us. Liza Anne Hall said that she would develop a web site for us. Myrl will apply on line to become a chapter.

Our Co-president talked about her 40 years of quilting experience. She has many things that she could teach us. There are many in our guild that could teach us as well. Janet passed out a survey to find the interests of the members. There are many possibilities for our guild meetings. Teachers outside our group can be invited to come and teach a concept. Our members could take classes and then teach us. The survey should help us make a calendar for the coming year.

Survey discussion:
1. Applipiecing is piecing with curves without much applique.
2. There are always new methods.
3. Coming up in January we will be talking about batting. “Unlimited Possibilities” magazine had a great article about batting. Members of the guild are encouraged to bring with them to the January meeting samples of batting, quilted or unquilted. Batting types include bamboo, wool, recycled plastic etc.
4. Cathy U’Ren has an easier double wedding ring method. She wants to teach us and have us make samples for her book and give her suggestions about how to effectively teach her method. We will be doing this in February.
5. For March meeting we will be learning about making white or light whole-cloth quits. (Janet mentioned that fleece or felt may be used to “color” trapunto quilts.) We could ask Carol Liffereth if she can teach her method in March.
“Sew and Tell”
1. Cindy U’Ren: Using the John Flynn method Cindy showed us the diagonal seam on quilt backs formaximum fabric usage. The formulas is as follows: LF=length of the fabric. LQ=length of the quilt.WF=width of fabric and WQ=width of the quilt.LQ + LQ(WQ-WF) Attached is the explanation from his web site.2WF-WQ
2. Carol Poulson showed a dresdin plate Christmas Wreath wall hanging and a beautiful flying geese fall quilt. She used the Eleanore Burns method for both.
3. Kayedawn Epps Showed her Moda Christmas panel wall hanging. She also showed a beautiful baby quilt entitled “Lullaby” with machine applique.
4. Dolores Despain showed us her cute retreat quilt with Fabulous 40's fabric.
5. Janet Carpenter brought a quilt and pillow sham she made for her grandson featuring Star Wars. It was embellished with feather-flames. Fun! She also showed us a beautiful yellow flower quilt. She told us to get more even feathers it is best to start at the bottom of the feather on both sides.
Thanks, ladies, it was really inspiring to see what you can do.
Challenge Quilt for HMQS: The kits will be ready by January.
Cindy U’Ren asked for help with a “doll card” quilt she had pieced. There were many ideas to help her get inspired.

Wren asked Myrl to send everyone a member roster.

Our next meeting will be January 10 in the Stitching Corner store at 10:30 am.

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